Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Print Giveaway #1

The photograph above is an 8x10 inch print of Audrey Hepburn c. 1960 taken by Cecil Beaton. It is the first in what will become a regular series of print giveaways! Some will be photographs from my collection, some will be prints donated by famous photographers, etc.. My only criteria for now is that the print will have to fit into a Fed Ex envelope.

The rules are simple. Just post a comment that includes a way to contact you. The winner will be chosen after one week by randomly picking one of the comments posted.

Good luck!


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Anonymous said...

She is a true beauty! This is a lovely picture!

Ads said...

Posting a photo of Audrey Hepburn is almost cheating!! You just can't go wrong with a subject that's never been in a bad photo.. (great idea on the giveaway by the way)

Anonymous said...

Dear mr Danzinger,

You can contact me at 'samuel dot wodinski at telenet dot be' for my adres ect.

Yours sincerely,

Samuel Wodinski

Anonymous said...

Hi there!

My e-mail-adress is pr {at} adamlundberg {dot} com

Nice one!



Balazs said...

The print giveaway is a lovely idea! My fiance'e is a huge fan of Audrey Hepburn, this would be the perfect gift for her. Please see my profile for email address.

Pastoral Urbanite said...

An amazing picture... I'm sure there has to be a bad picture of Hepburn somewhere, but I've never seen it.

Will Green said...

Anonymous said...

I always have difficulty choosing one particular Hepburn movie as my most favourite. She is so luminous in all of them.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and crazy idea!

Evan said...

I'm game! You can reach me at eamurdock at wisc dot edu...

Daniel M said...

Being first is not always lucky, but I would love to win this print.

My coordinates appear in my blog profile.

Wil Freeborn said...

Wow, thats very generous of you. I'd love to have the chance of having an Audrey Hepburn print on my wall.

my email is wil (at)


Nick Strauss said...

It's an incredibly generous offer, and one that makes me curious about your decision. As a collector, I find giving away, or even deaccessioning, traumatic, like giving away your children so they can get a better home! Which one will you choose, and what if you can't seethem again. Aargh! I don't know how you can stand it, but I applaud you anyway.

Nick Strauss, +44-7770542280

Freudus said...

Beautiful print. Great blog too, btw - I've been a quiet reader for the past six months or so.

keep up the good work,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My wife loves Audrey--I can't pass up the chance to win!

Contact me @ davidc@rockvillechristian(dot)org

Anonymous said...

OK, I post for the picture giveaway. My contact is:


Daniel Shea said...

those rules are indeed simple.


lookpoppies said...

I love Audrey. She had a pet deer!

MouseClark said...

I would be interested to see the results if the scientists ran their beautification algorithm on Hepburn's face.

Could a change to her face really make her more beautiful or would it detract from her?

/\Heather/\ said...

Love her. Great giveaway. Thank you. My email is in my profile.

TC said...

Love this picture, love your blog. My e-mail is tchen {at} riseup [dot] net


Anonymous said...

You are very generous and we thank you for sharing. I'm referring to your postings, the prints are gravy! kingofthebongo at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Awesome Giveaway....
Great Blog....

jcampbell5000 (at) yahoo (dot) com


Kochukandhari said...

I almost don't believe this is happening.

beksandro (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

For some strange reason, I thought that I did not like celebrity portraits. That is until the first time I saw Cecil Beaton's work (and that of David LaChapelle). Love Beaton's photography. I could look at it all day long. Thanks for or the chance to win this print.

Contact me at

a m r o s a r i o ( a t ) y a h o o ( d o t ) c o m

remove spaces, obviously.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Oh! Thank you :-)

thechrisproject said...

I would LOVE a Hepburn 8x10!

hepfan -at- thechrisproject -dot- com

Anonymous said...

Your kindness and generousity are amazing. And your blog is totally brilliant!

Jane Tam said...

Always a fan of Audrey Hepburn as well as your gallery! (Especially the current show with Alejandra Laviada, whom we did an interview with for Nymphoto blog's)

I can be contacted at jane[at]


Anonymous said...

I love the comfortable simplicity of this shot. It feels more friendly than 'glamorous Audrey' photos we are more familar with. The giveaway is an excellent idea. I can't wait to see more.


Anonymous said...


If I would be the lucky winner, the picture would go to my friend who is living in the house in Amsterdam that Audrey lived in after the war. She has been a fan of Audrey for years, but only recently found out that she is living in her old house. I would love to frame it for her and surprise her with it.

Take care

fitch (at)

Christopher Paquette said...

yippee!! Free print contest!


this blog remains a daily must read for me..... great work.

Gutter said...

wow, you're so generous..
great picture of Audrey Hepburn and Im glad I subscribed to your blog. Keep it up!
paolo1984 (at) gmail (dot) com

Chris Maddaloni said...

Cheers, sounds great....


Chris.Maddaloni at

K said...

I just came across your blog yesterday, and just in time too! I've been an Audrey fan ever since I was little - has anyone else ever managed to have class and style like that? I think not! Love it :)

Bill from Jersey said...

My daughter is a photographer and fan of yours. If I win this photo, I'll give it to her.

Jessica Y. said...

Oh my goodness, fantastic giveaway! Thank you so, so much for even having a giveaway like this, it is amazing! :) Good luck, everyone!

jess^^^4002 [at] gmail [dot] com
(without the ^^^)

Shaholla said...

Love your blog and Audrey.
Thanks for the giveway opp!

Davin Youngs said...

davinyoungs @

Mel Trittin said...

Nothing like a good raffle to inspire hope in the future, mtrittin [at] gmail [dot] com.

RubyMel said...

Another reason to love this site.

Patrick said...


contact at

Daniel Stephen Pendygrasse said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thank you for posting this photo. There's no one like her.

indigo16 said...

Christmas so soon?
Where did all these people come from?!

Topsy Turvy said...

Wonderful photo!
Count me in!


Anonymous said...

My daughter's 15th birthday is on election day and I think that she would be thrilled to have this print! And, of course, you can't underestimate the daddy points that I would get.


Anonymous said...

now everyone comes out of the woodwork!

Great image. This is also a good photo of Hepburn by Beaton:

I would quite happily take yours though.

Tristan said...

phenomenal idea!!

Kriszti said...

I would love to be the new owner of this lovely print.
krfurdui [at] gmail [dot] com

Rich Beckman said...

I guess the number of comments you get is taking a huge jump! Great site.

Rich Beckman

rbeckman1 AT

Anonymous said...

Does your generosity exceed to oversees? Kuwait for instance?

Great offer :)

Kasey said...

I love love Audrey Hepburn. I have admired her since I was a little girl. Love all of her movies as well as her style and grace. I can be reached at It would be wonderful to have this print!!

DeadwoodPete said...

I enjoy reading your blog and find myself wondering how you found yourself in the position you are in.

Thanks, Bruce Gibbs

jane said...

pick me!

myles said...

Oh you are good Mr. Danziger!

Very pinup but with clothing it is so much more appealing and sexy. The strips caused by the drapes are awesome.

myles (at) mylesmccutcheon (dot) com

Please add me to your gallery mailout list as well!

Anonymous said...

I always seem to chase "Audrey looking women" :) Beautiful picture

troels.olsen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i love Audreys unconventional beauty
i have a great book full of movie stills of her.

hbethany @ hotmail . com

Alice said...

I just discovered you via joanna.
Lovely blog. I am happily getting lost in your archive :)

Anonymous said...


seedlinggirl said...

My contact info is:

aec (underscore) photography (at) me (dot) com

Chase said...

Awesome idea.
chaseallgood at gmail dot com

Jennifer said...

Such a beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

great picture.


Stern said...

stunning! I'm crossing my fingers and toes.

bella said...
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Jenny said...

Sooo beautiful!

Anonymous social worker said...

that's so perfect I love her.
you can contact me at
but I prefer just contacting me by my blog, siNCE i CHECK IT MORE OFTEN THAN MY e-mail!

I reallt really want to win!

CRUARK said...

I'd love this print! You can contact me at cruark (at) gmail (dot) com

vidalia said...

Oh, me please. Email me through profile

g+m said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jessica C. said...

this is such a gorgeous photograph!!

jesscalder [[at]] gmail [[dot]] com

Anonymous said...

love, love, love this photo and
love, love, love Audrey!

i would be ecstatic to be able to hang this lovely shot on my wall. :)

contact at thoroughlymoderntilly @ (should i be so lucky!)

swell blog by the way! :)


Anonymous said...

Would love to have this print !

please email to

Elizabeth said...

She is such a gorgeous subject. My best friend is a photographer, and she has recently gotten me in to it. I really would love some beautiful art to spice up my drab dorm walls.

Elizabeth said...

oh, and my email is!

SK said...

I would treasure this photo!!

skpark1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love Cecil Beaton's work.

Micaela said...

pick me pick me!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Audrey, Audrey!

Anonymous said...

The thought of having a Cecil Beaton, let alone one of Audrey Hepburn ... almost too much to bear. So here's hoping :
Pretty please.
(If this is duplicate, please forgive. My wireless connection is tres sketchy today.)

Anonymous said...

Would love to have that picture at home! wallgrentherese(at)

Debbie Powell says hello said...

she looks like shes thinking....I want to hang on debbie powell's wall in London! :)

Anonymous said...


frank_ezelle said...

My, my, my--you have certainly found a way to turn the lurkers into commenters!!! I think it's a great idea and a very generous offer that I'll be signing up for each week. I can be reached at or simply with a comment on my blog.


Emma said...


Anonymous said...

She is lovely! My favorite!

Flynnjr said...

oh wow. This is a *great* idea.

Anonymous said...

Well, heck, I'll toss my hat in, too; that's a lovely picture!

omegamom at omegamom(dot)com

stacy said...

i'm a photographer who would be tickled pink to hang that on one of my freshly painted white walls.


Anonymous said...



The Fab Miss B said...

This would be a big improvement on the Breakfast at Tiffany's poster I had in my bedroom in high school! She was so chic!



Anonymous said...


MauritaMason said...

Who can resist Audrey? When I win, you can contact me at mauritamason at gmail dot com!

(Love this blog!)

Anonymous said...

rules are so simple. les règles sont si simples.
audrey is so glamour. Audrey est tellement glamour.
i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux. i want it. je la veux.


Anonymous said...

L.O.V.E. it! My email is info @ Thanks!

Anonymous said...

she is lovely, i would give it to my mum whos always thought she looks like her even though she looks more like Diana Dors

magpiesandmagnolias said...

I so so love Audrey. She is a forever favorite.


Sarah Bradley said...

What a style icon. Love her!

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend's mom would love this! She is quite the Audrey Hepburn fanatic!


Leigh said...

I love this print and I want it! Great blog :)

Anonymous said...

Like mother like daughter.

MB said...

Thank you for the generous offer! It's a brilliant idea.

Janet said...

What a beautiful pic. Please let it be me. jansgems at gmail dot com.

tiffany smith said...

Wow. I would love to own this print. My email is Thanks!

Francis said...

Who doesn't love Audrey?
I check this blog everyday...I have it bookmarked

V said...

oh, she is ever lovely...

Anonymous said...

Wow, fantastic, and very generous of you! I love the lines and curves in this photo, and of course, Hepburn's elegance is non pareil...she is forever like a little fawn, a chic bastion of gentle strength. lovely.

l o v e t h e b o m b 8 8 {a t} g m a i l {d o t} c o m

(remove spaces, of course)

V said...

oh, she is ever lovely...

Anonymous said...

A inspiring style icon. I want to be like Audrey!


Unknown said...

nice pic of 'ol Audrey.

art lover said...

my oh my, there are so many comments! What a beautiful print. And how very nice of you to give it away :)

Jessica said...

I love Audrey!

Anonymous said...

I love Audrey.

Suzanne : : S.HOPtalk said...

Love Audrey and love this photo!

emily said...

Can't wait to visit your gallery next time I'm in NYC.

mellowbeing said...

Oh I love that photo. You can email me at mellowbeing[at] thanks :)

Bernadette said...

How wonderful!
Many thanks!

Elisa said...

Beautiful photograph. Wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

wOw!! How fun. I've been away in lalaland and out of blogland for far too long. This is a gorgeous photo and what a fun giveaway idea!

Patti said...

She is as gorgeous as always!
Lovely photo!


tawnya said...

So Lovely.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite faces,
impeccably captured with
luxurious tonality and light –
Ms. Hepburn and I even
share the same birthday!


David Watersun
Watersun Photography

shipping address:
415 Dairy Road, Suite #E415
Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96732


Needful Friends said...

oh what a lovely foto this is....I love audrey hepburn...she was such a special and wonderful person and actress...


Travis n Billy said...

Too exciting!

Anonymous said...

what a stroke of karmic genius!
good things are headed your way!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photo! jeannie.pham(@) - thank you!

Nina said...

I love this photo!

Jill Turner said...

its not right that girls have to compete against someone so classy and lovely.

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely photo! Love it!

Eyeliah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Geez, what a treasure, I can't believe you're parting with it, but thankyou for the giveaway!

Alexa Pederson

alice said...

What a great picture! :)

Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog recently so I feel I shouldn't participate in this just yet, but I do want to say how lovely a gesture the print giveaway is -- and what a lovely photograph of Audrey this is, too.


Keri said...

i love your blog!
our apartment is crying out for beautiful photos... i'll bet my daughter would love this one! contact me at kkorteling {at} telus {dot} net.

Selena said...

What a fun way to see the different people that read your blog! I have a couple of friends that this print would be perfect for as a gift. You can contact me at voelks(@)u(dot)washington(dot)edu

Howdy said...

Fantastic- just when I thought this blog could not get any better....

ballandcrossbooks (at the famous) gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Great photo

jack at jack-nelson dot com

Anonymous said...

i have audrey painted from ceiling to floor in my living room....just love her. would love a small beautiful photo.

alana said...

be still my heart!

Lesley Myrick said...

Aww, so pretty! Who doesn't love Audrey?

Anonymous said...

Great start to a new tradition! Truly timeless.

lady-euxine [at]

Anonymous said...

how generous! thanks!


Helen said...

Oh! I love this!

I've been a fan of Audrey since the seventh grade, when I did a year-long project on her, and have watched almost all her movies - loooove her!

You can contact me at


Anonymous said...

Unusual photo-i have never seen one quite like that of her before. I would be thrilled to have a copy.

Snotty McSnotterson said...

I love the Hep, and your blog.

Snotty McSnotterson

Anonymous said...

A classic beauty. A classy lady. Thank you for the chance to win a beautiful photograph.

Anonymous said...

Of course i'll throw my hat in as well.

andres at healthytiger dot com

Michael Chen said...

fillmorephotography at gmail dot com

breakfast at tiffany's is my favorite movie. ever.

tr said...

A classic Audrey for a modern Audrey.

It would make my year!


Anonymous said...

I adore Audrey. I hope I win.

Aisha Mujib Khan said...

Nice photo. Nicer to see people giving things away. Thanks for your blog, keeps me updated.

aisha [dot] khan [at] live [dot] com

Thomas said...

dude! sign me up!!

Anonymous said...

i read this blog daily.
i've never won anything in my life, will my luck change because of The Year in Pictures!

my email is

Anonymous said...

How could I not comment. Beautiful image.

Catherine said...

Wednesday prize day makes me so happy! Who can inspire classy ease like Audrey Hepburn???

Thanks for the treat!


Fangirl Jen said...

Audry Hepburn defined glamour.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures.

fenris64 said...

She was what we all aspired to be.

Thank you for this chance.

dave said...
the old lady would go nuts over this

Unknown said...

I'd love to win!

Unknown said...

I just love this photo but as another reader pointed out, I don't think she's ever taken a bad photo.
I can be reached at heylola{at}sbcglobal{dot}net.

Anonymous said...

What luck! Audrey Hepburn is one of my favorite actresses. I'd love to have put a picture of her in a frame and on my wall - she was so classy and so innocent.

Chris said...

Very pretty print.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous. I don't think I'd ever be able to top this as a Christmas present for my husband.

Lady Leamy said...

I'm an AUDREY!

Anonymous said...




paryjeja said...

I so love Audrey Hepburn and her movies, and she was such a lovely woman both inside and out.

Blake Andrews said...

I'd love the print. I'm at


she is pure beauty to be be treasured

Hila said...

oh Audrey, I do love you :)

Great competition!

melissa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morgan said...

Oh, she is just lovely, isn't she?

Jefftexas said...

I fell in love with Audrey Hepburn by chance in 1992 when I happened to catch a late night showing of "Roman Holiday". I have since seen all of her movies at least 4 times! "Always" always chokes me up when I see it-Audry as an angel-a perfect role for her last!

Thank you for the opportunity to win! Good luck everyone, Jeff

Jessie said...


Jenny Westerhoff said...

love it! audrey, the print, and the blog!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I can't believe that you would give this away!
slefever at aol dot com

Tiffany Meagan said...

deanna said...

audrey! of course i'm in. thanks for the great giveaway!

TexanCouture said...

I love Audrey!

K said...

Dear James:

Kim B. here, formerly of Pace/MacG, now living in St. Louis. I love your blog! Reading it keeps me feeling connected to NYC and the photo world. Your post on Judith Joy Ross was excellent, by the way. She's priceless.

You're giving away photographs from your own collection? I don't know if I believe such generosity is possible... (hint, hint)

When one learns to look at photographs, one sees one's life (every breath-day-month-year) in a new light. "The Year in Pictures" helps me remember to keep my eyes open! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The picture is lovely.

Samuel said...

Wow, a print give away... I love your blog. Thanks so much, and keep up the good work.

lobersd at

Anonymous said...

audrey- forever indebted to you for making wearing flats ok!


tessa said...

Anonymous said...

could i be the one?

dougphoto said...

good luck picking

angela hardison said...

my favorite thing about audrey is that she had a pet deer...

Anonymous said...

Timeless...Breakfast at Tiffanys'
I hope that one day have the love of my life give me a gift from Tiffanys' and I was over the moon.
Every movie made me think of how romance was...and is now lost in our era...
Thank you for your generosity....

Anonymous said...

Yvonne says...What a wonderful opportunity...I always hope that the man I lvoe would give me a gift from Tiffanys' and he had no idea it was a dream of mine
She is Timesless

yadgirl said...

When is the end date?

azgirlinfl said...

she is beautiful!

kristy stark (at) gmail (dot) com

azgirlinfl said...

truly lovely

Anonymous said...

One of my favorites

Ryan K said...

assessing your active readership? ;)

ryanoceros {at} gmail

Anonymous said...

wow. how come we don't have anyone like that anymore?

karissag at

Anonymous said...

oh it's lovely.

labercrombie214 at gmail dot com

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