Friday, January 16, 2009

Weekend Video - M.I.A. & Slumdog

I can just hear it. First the complaints about too much Obama, next up - complaints about too much "Slumdog Millionaire"! Nevertheless, in addition to calling it as the movie of the year before the Golden Globes, it's got one terrific song "Paper Planes" by M.I.A., seen here in its original version (above) and in the more Bollywood style re-mix done for the movie.


Anonymous said...

Now I can't really claim to have seen the movie so much as overheard my housemates watching a torrented download of it the other day BUT unless there's another remix in the movie, the one I heard was just the DFA mix...

Anonymous said...

I've seen the movie. It's staggeringly beautiful. It's genuinely nice to see it get this kind of attention.

I also downloaded the soundtrack the same night I saw the movie, which is unusual for me.

Kasey said...

There are so many great original pieces of music from this movie such as "O... Saya" by AR Rahman that fuse the traditional musical stylings of India with contemporary pop sensibility. I must say that I'm disappointed that you chose to highlight a song that has already been played to death on commercial airwaves (at least in the Los Angeles area). The movie was great and the score was such a huge factor in the sentiment the film was trying to capture.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see this film, but I absolutely loathe the "millionaire" TV shows. So that's putting me off from going.

Anonymous said...

M.I.A. is an outstanding artist. Check out her first album, "Arular" and then her most recent one, "Kala." Really good stuff.

this too will pass said...

saw the movie last week; It's superb; a feel good ending but some heart-rending scenes leading up to it; nice blog you have here