Friday, February 10, 2012

Keeping Up With The Web ...

An interesting piece in today's New York Times (click here) about the most watched video on YouTube. Over 417.6 million views! Hard to fathom when you see what it is.

Meanwhile, as those who know me can attest, I'm not much of Facebook user (this blog being my outlet). But I find the pictures people post interesting and have recently been struck by how many people are now using Facebook as on online gallery to showcase photographs by other people that have resonance for them. Quite often you find accidental themes emerging from random posts - most recently I noticed this underwater theme. A wish for warmer times? A feeling people are drowning? Or a more optimistic feeling of floating? You be the judge of this pictorial zeitgeist.

Top photo by Phiippe Paoli; second photo by Seth Casteel, and bottom, this classic fashion photograph for VOGUE in 1948 by the late Toni Frissel.


Heather Robinson said...

Alas, nothing can touch the elegance of the Frissel. Save maybe for Annie Liebovitz's nod to this photograph when she photographed Kate Winslet for the release of "Titanic"--a photo which in itself has been often copied.

Bon weekend!

Sam Boetti said...

Are you familiar with a Toni Frissell photograph titled ''Jamaican Fishermen''? It's a wonderful picture of a man pulling in a fishing net in Montego Bay, Jamaica (1955-ish). I wish Toni Frissell's work was more appreciated.


Anonymous said...

2011 definitely seemed like a dream year for the viral you tube video. Hadn't seen these. Thanks for sharing.