Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Camera Advice

Received this query a few days ago:

Hmm, just lost my camera and am going on Safari in two weeks...I would like a good zoom and fairly light and unobrtusive possibly low light also? Any advice?

Yes. The new Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ5K is a smallish 9 megapixel camera with an incredible 10x (equivalent to 280mm) zoom. It also shoots high definition video and you can zoom while shooting. The quality of the video is impressive.

The camera is rated four and a half (out of five) stars on Amazon averaged over 90+ reviews (and you know there’s always one person who hates whatever is being reviewed). So having both used the camera and been on safari, I’d highly recommend this. And make sure to get it in black. Silver glistens in the sun and can scare off animals.

Just to confirm I have no relationship with Lumix. I just like their cameras.


frank_ezelle said...

I bought this exact camera a couple of months ago and I have loved the convenience of the small size and quality of the images. Since this camera doesn't come with a viewfinder, would you suggest that your safari reader invest in the optional hood that you can buy to shield the LCD? It might be money well spent for a bright day on the plains.

Frank (PS--Loved the Fred Woodward post about the photos from Canton which is just up the road from my hometown of Jackson, MS.)

Anonymous said...

I'd also vote for the Fuji F-100 point and shoot too. It's a similar boxy style as the Lumix; fits easily into the jeans pocket with no protruding lens. $379 at B&H. Long zoom range, and very high ASA. I am a pro photographer, with medium format backs, and honestly, the Fuji color rivals the Phase One. It's just that good. A+.

Photography should be fun. These tiny cameras keep the fun intact.

frank_ezelle said...

If I'm shooting lions and tigers, I think I'll opt for the 28-280 range of the Lumix over the 28-140 range of the Fuji F-100!!!!!

A brief look at the Fuji reviews makes me think the Lumix is a better overall option at a lower price.

dee said...

Thanks for the husband spent about $400 on a digital camera last year and I can't stand it. My $200 digital from three years ago took WAY better pictures. I have heard Lumix cameras are great, so I might give this one a try.

Anonymous said...

Love love love my Lumix!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the camera advice~ Now I'll just have to wait till dad's back and tell him♥
(He owes me a camera for giving mine away without acknowledging me *sweat*)


Anonymous said...

Not only have I bought the camera for the Safari trip starting in a couple of days time following your advice. I have started to experiment and - the zoom is amazing. I took it cross country jumping with the children and whilst it was unfamiliar being a new bit of kit the photos are great. At home I discovered another function. A digital zoom setting which multiplies by a factor of 40!
What do you think of the waterproof casing if I can still get my hands on one??

Many thanks also for the tip of the optical hood. I hope I am still in time for that.


P said...

I have this camera and I absolutely love it - it takes great shots and I've taken it on several trips with great success.

You have a fab blog. Glad I stumbled upon you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, would you still rate it as highly or has it been surpassed?

The Year in Pictures said...

I still like it a lot and it seems to produce the best pictures of the many cameras I have.