Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dean Fidelman

One of the many qualities of Bruce Weber is his generosity towards other photographers. As an enthusiast, collector, and publisher, Weber has brought a number of lesser known photographers to light, mostly through his self-published magazine "All-American" - now in its 10th volume.

In the most recent issue of "All-American" Weber has included a portfolio of photographs by Dean Fidelman which combine the schools of climbing photographs and the nude in a skilled and original way. I particularly like how unsalacious these pictures are. They're more about athleticism and have a kind of hippy/back to nature vibe linking them to the "Stone Master" photographers of the 70s.

My friend Tom Adler, another great discoverer of photographers, recently put together a terrific book on the Stone Masters which I somehow missed blogging about, but you can get it here.

Below, a few more pictures by Fidelman:


Anonymous said...

Stunning. I love the juxtaposition of the hard edges of the rock and the round curves of the bodies of the climbers.

Unknown said...

That last photo leaves me speechless. Thank you for sharing.

Joe Holmes said...

Not salacious, but definitely erotic. And then after a moment, all I can think is, Ouch.

MikeyG said...

omg..... just freaking BRILLIANT. Love the way you described the work

karnit said...

These are wonderful photos. I love how there is nude but not so much erotic as healthy . A beautiful merge with nature

Unknown said...


newfoundimage said...

I wonder what other sports would look like nude? These are beautiful, I do agree with Mr. Holmes...seems like it would hurt-especially their feet.

Subversive Lulú said...

High contrast in black and white always amazed me,
love the nude with the earthy background.